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Welcome to Australia Page

Package your Study Program with ELICOS

Course Information from CRICOS Approved institutions | TAFE & Vocational Institutions

IELTS Minimum



 State funded Institution

 More than 100 years of History

 World Recognized Study Programs

 2 years work visa after completion of Bachelors

 4 years work visa after completion of Masters or PhD

 Student Can apply with ELICOS if IELTS req. not met

 Minimum IELTS Required 5.0 for most VET programs

 Mature Student with Experience can apply with RPL

 Applicants with Vocational Education are welcome to apply.


���������������� *Conditionis Apply


Entry Criteria

 Successful Completion of Secondary Education (GCE A/L)

 Master students are expected to have a recognized Degree

 Relevant Qualification in the selected field is a plus

 Individuals with Trade Qualifications have advantage

 Mature Students with Experience have no age barrier

 Minimum Language requirement IELTS 5.5 or 5.0 with ELICOS

 Student Can apply with ELICOS if IELTS req. not met

 IELTS Requirement for Bachelors and masters program are 6.0 and above



Australia Cost Analysis for Students

* For accurate cost please see Australian Immigration website


 Course fee mentioned here are actual fee for one year by the time published.


 Students can pay 50% of the fee to receive the CoE.


Living Cost per year (As at Jan 2024)


Fund Documents


Note: *** Minimum Requirement is One Year Tuition Fee + One Year Living Expense + Travel Expense) based on the main (Primary / Final Qualifying) course***



Living Expense:

Primary Applicant (Student) : AUD 24505

Partner / Spouse (If Applying) : AUD 8574

Child (Below 5 Years) : AUD 3670

Child (5 Years and Above) : AUD 13331 [AUD 3670 (Living) + AUD 9661 (Education)]


Travel Expense:

AUS $2,500 if you are applying from East or Southern Africa;

AUS $3,000 if you are applying from West Africa;

AUS $2,000 if you are applying from anywhere else outside Australia; and

AUS $1,000 if you are applying in Australia. If you will be returning to Africa, include $1,500.



The result is the recommended amount you should have in

The bank for at least six months.







Please note. The requirement for fund is the first year�s course fee plus the living cost and the cost of return air fare. Showing funds for rest of the years is recommended.


Note: Students are advised to refer Australian Immigration website for up to date information.






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Last Updated : 2024

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